Wealthy Woman Guided Visualisation

Aug 26, 2021

The most potent and powerful wealth infused guided visualisation is now available on the Kiss My Money Podcast.

Use it to release everything that isn't serving you and to step in to the most powerful and abundant version of yourself to make, keep and grow increasing amounts of money.

Dosage recommended daily for continual financial expansion.


Ms Wealthy Founder


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Today as I breathe in and close my eyes, I breathe out and close the doors that no longer serve me today. I choose a new relationship with money and wealth creation. Today. I choose a new experience with money and wealth creation today. Now in this moment, I decide, I decide to no longer breathe oxygen into limitation. I know that my past does not determine my future and my circumstances right now do not dictate my happiness, my peace, my strength, my freedom, or my ability to tap into the abundance that exists within me already. I can't miss possibility. I can't miss opportunity because I am. It, it is all around me and it is me.

Wealth starts within me. It is me. And today is a new day. This is a new moment. I know that I can decide in any given moment who I am and what I want, and I can go after it unapologetically. And I choose this moment. There is no shortage of possibility. There is no lack of abundance. I haven't missed anything. And just like the light from the sun never goes away sometimes at nightfall. I just can't see it, but I know it's always there. And as I think about that light and I picture that sun can feel the Lord. And as I feel it more and more, I see the light is within me. And as I see it's in me, I can feel that light get brighter and brighter and I can feel the warmth grow stronger and stronger. And as it does, I feel it, everything that doesn't serve me or help me to step forward, simply fall away. It falls off me. The light within me, releases everything

Heavy, everything stuck, everything in the way of seeing

The truth of who I really am.

Pure light, pure radiance, who up possibility, everything else simply falls over right now. I know the truth. I know that work has nothing to do with anything being good enough. Isn't something I subscribe to anymore. It's not about wordiness. It never was. It's not about deserving. It never, there is no good enough. There is only light. The truth is I am connected to unlimited abundance. The truth is I have the power with the light within me was always there. It is there. It never fades. It never leaves. And now I can see, I can see it. Now. The millionaire version of me already exists. The multimillion dollar version of me all ready, exists. It's within me. It is me. And now that I've seen it, it can never be unseen. Abundance just that exists already. There are unknown requirements. There are no conditions. I know that I can create any financial reality. I choose. I am a wealthy woman.

This is what I choose. I choose continual financial expansion. I choose unlimited abundance. I choose to be supported. All I need to do is close my eyes and ask, ask for guidance from my future self, the woman that is 10 years ahead of me, that knows exactly how this plays out. She knows. She knows she has everything within her to create everything she intends. She is me, everything I want. I speak into existence. I speak it now. Now, now I love money. I trust money. I trust myself with money. I trust the safety I am creating. I trust the freedom I am creating. I trust myself to grow money. I trust myself to learn what I need to. I trust myself to invest and to create more and more money for myself, for my family. For my future.

I speak it into existence. I take action on bringing it into existence. I step up before I ready. I move forward with courage. I take responsibility for my money, my financial future, and for my life, I know money responds to me based on how I respond to it. And how do I respond to money with love, with deep appreciation, deep gratitude for how it has supported me and what it continues to provide me opportunity, choice, power, abundance, safety, independence, certainty, and total, and complete freedom. I am in charge of how my life goes for me. I am in charge of my financial reality and I choose to earn more, hold more and grow more and more money every month, every year, every decade. I decide that today I take my financial future into my own hands. And anytime I known as a thought that isn't helpful. I know that all I need to do is close my eyes and say, I am willing to see this differently. And anytime I think I can't, anytime I am met with fear, anytime I am met with doubt, I know that it is an illusion. I know it's not real. And instead I will ask what if,

What if I could be a multimillionaire? What if I could invest this way? What if I could make this much money this easily? What if, what if, what if,

And I know that when I ask what if that it is done because my subconscious has the power to create what holds all I need to do is ask the question and I know the answer will come. I trust the answer will come. I have taken my power back. This is all adding up in the direction of my dreams. This is all working out for me.

Money loves me. It is here to support me. It is safe for me to make, save, invest, to give and grow increasing amounts of money, always and forever. I see it now. I see my bank accounts in overflow. I see that gorgeous car in my driveway. I can taste the champagne. When I have brunches with girlfriends, I can feel the sand between my toes and the sun on my face. And I've just stepped off a flight from the gorgeous tropical island. I can hear the Palm trees in the background laughing for sure. And I know, I know I created this because I decide, I decide to be a wealthy woman. I decide to have money to invest money. I decided to surround myself with more women creating the same, more money, more wealth, more freedom, more investments. I decided to experience more money than I know what to do with. I decided to be smart with my money, because I know that this is what a wealthy woman does. I decided to create multiple income streams. I choose to invest every month. I decide to give money to causes. I'm passionate about. I decide to become financially empowered in a way I never thought.

And as I look back on myself as a little girl, I can see her. I did this for her. I am so proud of who she has become. If I could go back and just tell her,

Tell that six year old self, just tell her

The kind of life that she is going to experience only she knew. And this is just the beginning. I'm just getting started. And I'm so excited to see what's next.

If you have found this powerful in your life, share it with your friends and go and find me on Instagram @mswealthyofficial